When we have a lot going on, we can get overwhelmed; feeling like we can’t see the wood for the trees.
There may be things that we know we will have to deal with but they feel so big, we just can’t tackle it.
If this is the way you are feeling, a very useful thing to do is to close your eyes and basically, just put it all into a box.
This is something that I use all the time either for myself or when I am working with a client. For me, it just takes the edges off everything, calms the nervous system so that I can tackle whatever it is I have going on.
Here’s what to do….
Box Technique
Close your eyes, put all of the issues that are bothering you into a box.
Notice what the box looks like and just start to tap as you describe the box (you don’t have to go into the contents of WHAT you have put into the box).
Even though I have this cardboard box….
Continue tapping away and when you have finished one round, close your eyes and have a look at the box again. Maybe it’s changed, and then tap again on what the box looks like.
Keep on doing this until you feel calmer.
And because we are tapping on images, we are dealing with things at an unconscious level (the unconscious mind LOVES metaphors, stories and images). So, we get to clear stuff without have to go into any detail.
Once you are in a calmer state, then you may feel more able to tackle whatever is ahead of you.
I have done a quick video to show you how to do this. Tap along and use my words or your own words to describe what your box looks like, and notice how much more relaxed you feel after a couple of rounds.
Have a look and let me know how you get on.