This Is The Year That ………

  • Did you start off the year saying that this is the year that I am DEFINITELY going to be less stressed?
  • Look after myself more?
  • Or take that first step towards something that excites me?
  • And now it’s February already, and not much has changed.

But it’s never too late to take that first step.

I was reading an article recently and it listed 4 signs that you had too much stress.

Have a look and see if you can relate to any of these:

  1. You find it more difficult to concentrate, have trouble making decisions (what if I make a mistake, what if it’s the wrong decision, what if something better was to come along and then I had missed out – you get the picture!). You keep putting off doing things, making excuses, waiting for the perfect time, perfect circumstances.
  2. You have a negative outlook on life or a mind full of negative chatter. Or you are worrying more and have more anxiety. You’re grumpy, more narky, biting people’s heads off for very little reason, feeling angry and just finding it impossible to relax and switch off. Or maybe you feel completely overwhelmed, it’s all just too much and you feel alone and isolated.
  3. You’re getting more colds and flus, have unexplained aches and pains, stress related digestive and stomach problems. Or maybe you have a rapid heartbeat, dizziness, vertigo. (Note: do always have these issues checked out with your doctor).
  4. You’re just not yourself. You’re eating more or less (unfortunately it’s usually more!), or eating a lot of sweet things, drinking more, not sleeping properly, or isolating yourself from others.
    Any of these are signs are telling you that you are STRESSED and something is not right!

And if you can relate to any of the signs above, maybe it’s time to ask yourself, is this the way I want to live my life?

Being and acting like this has got you to where you are now, but is this sustainable in the long term?

Is this going to affect your health? What about the relationships with people around you? Is this getting you to where you want to be?

And the other question is, do you have to do everything on your own?

Sometimes we think that we have to do everything ourselves. Keep the head down, grit your teeth and keep on going.

But everyone needs help from time to time.

I know that I couldn’t do what I do without the help of other people from time to time. Sometimes you need someone outside of you to give you a different perspective and just to gently guide you through what is going on.

How Can I Help You?

Well, I definitely won’t be able to advise you on which chocolate has the least calories, or design a fitness programme for your upcoming triathlon.

But what I CAN do is to show you that there is something you can do to make your life less stressful by making small changes, taking it one small step at a time.

So let’s talk.

Simply reply to this email and say ‘Yes please!’ and we will set up a 10 minute call to find out where you are at now and where you want to be.

It’s only going to be a quick chat and it might just be the one small step you need to take to get you moving towards where you want to be.

So just make contact with me and we can take it from there.

I look forward to hearing from you.

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