My previous post on asking leads me in nicely to my upcoming 6 week course ‘Manifesting Financial Freedom’.
Part of this course is about feeling good about asking yourself what is it that I need, asking the universe/others what you want, and most of all asking for help.
And I love this quote above from Wayne Dyer, who sadly passed away this week: ‘Abundance is now something we acquire, it is something we tune into’.
Because feeling abundant is a state of mind.
How many times have you come across people in other cultures especially, who in our material terms have very little, yet they feel that they are blessed with good fortune?
While we talk about financial freedom in the title, it really is a journey about self-discovery, feeling that you deserve, being open to ask, feeling that you are worth it.
Manifesting financial freedom and abundance is just the by-product of this.
And once you clear all of this stuff that is holding you back, you can fully tune into the abundance that is waiting for you.
Starting on Monday 19th October, the manifesting financial freedom course will run over 6 weeks (with a break on the bank holiday Monday) in Dublin.
Each week, we will work on different aspects that may be preventing you from getting to where you want to be: negative beliefs around abundance, past bad experiences, your views on people who are successful, views about money (‘filthy’ lucre) and all of these things we heard growing up.
We will tap together each week as a group, and you will also be given exercises and tapping to do at home between classes.
Here is what some of my previous participants had to say:
‘Grainne is clearly fulfilling her life mission as she graciously and confidently guided us through our issues with money, and yet was humble enough to let the group guide itself at times. I found I was pleasantly surprised to not only clear away issues I was aware I had, but also ones that had remained deeply buried. Working with a group for such a complex issue as money is an excellent format as it gives you the opportunity to see new perspectives and work on stuff you never thought were issues for you, but inevitably were.’
‘Powerful stuff, and I’ve found that not only have I changed my beliefs around money, but my practises too. I gained the confidence to take charge and have made some positive leaps forward since the course. I’ve just been head-hunted for a new role with a nice pay rise. I never would have believed I’d get where I am if you’d asked me before. I would highly recommend this course as an investment in your future. Worth every cent!’
‘Nobody tells you how you should be around money this course will help you examine all your attitudes to it and more. I feel so much more relaxed about my finances and have lost the fear I had before I attended. Grainne is a brilliant facilitator and is very creative in how she works.’
I’m offering this course to people via my newsletter first, before I start advertising to the general public, so if any of this is resonating with you, please get in touch to reserve your place.